'Love' a fairly bold title, however, I didn't write the lyrics. they were written between 1000 and 2000 years back, so it stands the test of time :-)
Music: the tune started off with chords. The last tune I wrote was fairly dark and so I wanted to swing back to the better things.
I was interested in the IV-V-III-VI pattern that is sometimes used in Japan. So I started with that and just took it to what sounded good to me, so chords came first. (I think it was F-G-Em-Am, that I tried first)
After that, I wrote a melody based on the C. Once again, just listening to it to see where it goes.
I checked my written notes and at some stage I was listening to this song - possibly trying to find a 'feel' - not that my end product sounds anything like it, or anything as good as it. However, it shows the weird journey of the creative process:
Anyway, I decided to start with chords and melody on 2007 Tunafish software, as it is very simple and I can concentrated on writing.
From there, I went to LMMS through a few versions and then to SONAR to clean it up. I also finally went through Audacity to add Ozone 8 mastering, normalizing and compression.
The voice over is from the WEB Bible, 1 Corinthians 13 - the Love chapter. It is public domain. I only altered it slightly. The words are like a constitution or a strategic plan, something to keep coming back to daily: https://worldenglish.bible/
This is a short vid of the process between the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023