I follow a number of production posts, as I always like to keep learning. Ghosthack gave out a few acapellas recently and so, with gratitude, I was able to start with a few vocals this time (as I mostly do instrumentals). I always think in 'song' as I cut my teeth playing in dance bands. The end result is this:
I wrote the chords and the hook using the 2007 Bram Bos Tunafish DAW (he still has a great output of Mac OS software if you want to look him up), however, I often find this a good starting point for writing a song, as it is very simple and I want to concentrate on what I am hearing and not get distracted by the DAW itself.
I was going to move it over to LMMS but skipped straight to Sonar Lite where I worked with it.
The melody and the words really shaped the song for me. I hope you can listen through to the end as it rises and falls.
Here are some of the VSTi's I used to make it:
and of course the vocals:
The drum loops 140 Bpm and some of the background 'risers' and sounds all came from the kind people at looperman
and a quick vid of these VSTis and then some of the sounds on Tunafish and Sonar after about 20 seconds