I had been playing with electronic and overdriven guitar just previous to making this one but I wanted to go back to an acoustic tune again for a break.
I had been listening to different styles of acoustic guitar but my favourite is often the old medieval/renaissance 'feel' when I get on the acoustic strings. I don't really know what you call this style.
I had been experimenting with a few chords and so on but on this particular evening, after a long day at work and also within a week of the first anniversary of my fathers passing; I locked myself away in one evening and finished the tune. After a few run throughs I recorded it live on my phone and directly from a microphone my son gave me into my DAW on the computer in one take.
It is surely technically very imperfect, I'm missing notes and hitting the strings dead at times. However, I felt that I captured the essence. That was enough, so I didn't lose the spirit of the tune.
So, here is the live recording before I added any other instruments, just me and the guitar: